Wednesday, July 31, 2019


If was to buy the list I would sale contact method that I would use would be contacting them in person, although it would be time consuming and expensive, I would want them to see me and know that I am serious about business. I would be able to directly answer any questions that they might have and it is always good to put a face to someone wanting to do business. Cold calling assumes sales people will be successful If they can reach the right person In an organization. I do not think that cold calling should be used but It Is the only way that some can get through.Cold calling focuses on getting past the middle people. A person who calls Like this tries to let the buyer know why they should make a purchase decision right now. They can create a negative experience. I know that I do not Like when people call me and push me to buy something. Many people are so often hit with advertising messages from TV, newspapers, magazines and it is hard to get their attention. Direct mall can help build relationships between you and whomever you are trying to reach.It is more personal because you can say what you want and have time to put your thoughts together and express whatever it is you need to and is also cost efficient. Most consumers are receptive to direct mail. Yes, I consider sending these contacts unsolicited emails spam. Most of us get spam every day, ranging from a little to a lot, but if you have an e-mail account it is always there. It is frustrating when you open your business email and before you can respond to your customers or email your suppliers, you have spam. I feel that it is just a way for people to try to get you to buy into something, Spam is of no importance to me.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Business Of Water

Question1: The main stakeholders for Coca-Cola and Nestle would be the parties that would be mostly affected and at stake if the plant was to close down in the case of the passing of the law of closure due to negative effects on the environment. Firstly, the employees of the company and their families would be the most at stake, as they would lose their source of income. And in the case of Coca-Cola it might be that most of the village of Palchimada is working at that plant, hence this would affect the whole social environment in the village.On the other hand the villagers are also affected negatively as they are losing their water resources if Coca-Cola keeps operating. The second party at stake would be the suppliers of the company from boxes to ingredients and branding materials. Moreover, The shareholders of the company are affected as they would lose money, market share and return on investment, that would also give way for another stakeholder, which is the competition.Lastly, t he customers and clients of such companies are also affected, however, companies as such are very big and are able to supply almost anyone around the world, therefore clients are not primarily at stake. Question2: Carroll’s four-part model of corporate social responsibility suggests that CSR includes the economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic expectations placed on organizations by society at a given point of time. Under CSR pyramid, Nestle comes in the Ethical responsibility that is the third part of the pyramid.These responsibilities oblige the corporation to do what is right, just, and fair which Nestle perfectly abides with as the company never seemed to break any laws and was never involved in any unjust action. Regarding Nestle water plants, the company claims to be economically responsible by operating its plants in rural or remote areas, in the immediate vicinity of the water sources and in many cases, the company is an important economic base within the local co mmunity.i Generally, Nestle claims ethical responsibility. However, in this case it would prove the ethical responsibility if the company gave back to the community it operates in just like Coca-Cola did to prove that is an ethical company. On the top of the pyramid is Philanthropic responsibility, which Nestle seems to be executing very well. Nestle has created many programs to improve peoples lives. Such as, helping to address micronutrient deficiencies through a process called â€Å"nutritional landscaping†.In addition to many more, Nestle also offers a Plan that provides expert training so that farmers can grow coffee more sustainably, as well as practical assistance, including high-quality disease-resistant plantlets. ii Question 3: Citizenship is defined as a set of individual rights that are governed by the government. In some cases the failure of governments to fulfill their functions along with the rise in corporate power has led corporations to have a bigger role in society similar to the one of political actors. This is the case, which led to the privatization of water where municipal water companies have been inefficient.One of the governmental roles was by the US multinational company Bechtel in Bolivia, Which found it challenging to make the company operate efficiently. Hence, a law was passed giving the company monopoly rights over in the ridings they operated in, leading to no free water what so ever. This is a very weak performance on the side of the government and the corporation. Water is a human right, necessary for the survival of human kind and forbidding people to use the water from their wells and even the rain is a foolish and senseless act. The Business of Water Question1:The main stakeholders for Coca-Cola and Nestle would be the parties that would be mostly affected and at stake if the plant was to close down in the case of the passing of the law of closure due to negative effects on the environment. Firstly, the employees of the company and their families would be the most at stake, as they would lose their source of income. And in the case of Coca-Cola it might be that most of the village of Palchimada is working at that plant, hence this would affect the whole social environment in the village.On the other hand the villagers are also affected negatively as they are losing their water resources if Coca-Cola keeps operating. The second party at stake would be the suppliers of the company from boxes to ingredients and branding materials. Moreover, The shareholders of the company are affected as they would lose money, market share and return on investment, that would also give way for another stakeholder, which is the competition. Lastly, t he customers and clients of such companies are also affected, however, companies as such are very big and are able to supply almost anyone around the world, therefore clients are not primarily at stake.Question2:Carroll’s four-part model of corporate social responsibility suggests that CSR includes the economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic expectations placed on organizations by society at a given point of time. Under CSR pyramid, Nestle comes in the Ethical responsibility that is the third part of the pyramid. These responsibilities oblige the corporation to do what is right, just, and fair which Nestle perfectly abides with as the company never seemed to break any laws and was never involved in any unjust action.Regarding Nestle water plants, the company claims to be economically responsible by operating its plants in rural or remote areas, in the immediate vicinity of the water sources and in many cases, the company is an important economic base within the local comm unity.i Generally, Nestle claims ethical responsibility. However, in this case it would prove the ethical responsibility if the company gave back to the community it operates in just like Coca-Cola did to prove that is an ethical company. On the top  of the pyramid is Philanthropic responsibility, which Nestle seems to be executing very well.Nestle has created many programs to improve peoples lives. Such as, helping to address micronutrient deficiencies through a process called â€Å"nutritional landscaping†. In addition to many more, Nestle also offers a Plan that provides expert training so that farmers can grow coffee more sustainably, as well as practical assistance, including high-quality disease-resistant plantlets.iiQuestion 3:Citizenship is defined as a set of individual rights that are governed by the government. In some cases the failure of governments to fulfill their functions along with the rise in corporate power has led corporations to have a bigger role in s ociety similar to the one of political actors. This is the case, which led to the privatization of water where municipal water companies have been inefficient.One of the governmental roles was by the US multinational company Bechtel in Bolivia, Which found it challenging to make the company operate efficiently. Hence, a law was passed giving the company monopoly rights over in the ridings they operated in, leading to no free water what so ever. This is a very weak performance on the side of the government and the corporation. Water is a human right, necessary for the survival of human kind and forbidding people to use the water from their wells and even the rain is a foolish and senseless act.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Dover Beach Theme Imagery and Sound Essay

In â€Å"Dover Beach,† Matthew Arnold creates a monologue that shows how perceptions can be misleading. The theme of illusion versus reality in â€Å"Dover Beach† reflects the speaker’s awareness of the incompatibility between what is perceived and what truly is real. Arnold conveys the theme of â€Å"Dover Beach† through three essential developments. First, he uses visual imagery. Second, he uses sound (aural) imagery. Third, he uses rhythm and metric. These mechanics alone do not explain why illusion and reality differ, but they do help to explain how Arnold sets up the poem to support the theme. The strongest support of the theme comes from its intense imagery which is scattered throughout â€Å"Dover Beach.† The most affecting image is the sea. The sea includes the visual imagery, used to express illusion, as well as the auditory imagery, used to express reality. The image is intensely drawn by Arnold to vividly see the faith disappearing from the speaker’s world. The image of darkness encompasses the speaker’s life just like the night wind pushes the clouds in to change a bright, calm sea into dark, â€Å"naked shingles.† The irony of â€Å"Dover Beach† lies in the contrasting elements of the troubled speaker and the calm sea with tranquil moonlight. For example, the moonlit cliffs of the first stanza appear again in the lines â€Å"for the world/Which lies before us like a land of dreams. The sea which begins calm and tranquil, becomes a roaring shore; with â€Å"naked shingles† and â€Å"night-wind† which in turn disrupts the speaker’s faith. The symbolism of the speaker’s faith, as well as light and dark, reinforce the theme of illusion versus reality. The illusionary quality of the sea infers how very shaky and insecure the speaker’s faith has become. In line 21, the speaker refers to the sea as a metaphoric â€Å"sea of faith.† This symbol represents the illusion of the speaker’s faith. The reality of his lack of faith becomes apparent in lines 25 through 28. The speaker explains on how that once great and calm sea of faith has turned into a roaring, dark, windy, dreary, and gravely bench. In reality, the speaker’s faith disappears with only darkness to replace it; a powerful symbol of disillusionment which sets the mood for the rest of the poem. In stanza 3, the simile â€Å"like the folds of a bright girdle furled† (Line 13) contrasts with â€Å"Vast edges drear/And naked shingles of the world† (Lines 27-28) The speaker’s problem also appears in the sounds of the words throughout the poem. The consonant quality of the g and the r in â€Å"grating roar† (line 9) takes on an auditory quality, whereas the previous stanza displayed visual qualities. The grating and roaring pebbles produce sound while the calm sea and glimmering French coast produce a visual effect. In line 13, the words â€Å"tremulous cadence slow† slows the reader with the sounds of the t, c, and s sounds. After stanza two, the third, fourth, and fifth stanzas alternate sounds (stanza three, first three lines of stanza four, last five lines of stanza four and stanza five). The smooth sounds of l in line 7, â€Å"long line,† and the f in line 23, â€Å"folds† and â€Å"furled,† point out the instances of illusion where the conflict of the illusion versus reality does not exist. In contrast, the rough sounds in line 28, â€Å"naked shingles of the world,† indicate the places w here reality not only exists, but where illusion cannot exist, and the speaker cannot escape his misery. The sounds of the words not only slow the speaker’s struggle, but also suggest the underlying motif of light and dark. The words â€Å"glimmer† and â€Å"gleam.† The ‘gl’ suggests light whereas the ‘ea’ suggest smallness. The ‘er’ suggests movement. All combined, the allusion is made to the idea of a small, moving light. This contrasts with the darkness of the later stanzas indicated by the words â€Å"darkling† and â€Å"night.† In the third stanza, the words â€Å"faith† and â€Å"bright† followed by â€Å"but† imply a loss of faith, â€Å"and in doing so associates darkness with loss of faith†. The lack of a pattern in the rhyme scheme reflects the speaker’s inner debate. The rhyme scheme of the first stanza consists of ABACD. The first and third lines rhyme, â€Å"to-night† and light,† but no other lines rhyme in the first stanza. The same instance occurs in t he second stanza’s rhyme scheme of BDCEFCGHG. Multiple lines do rhyme, but in no set pattern. This opposes the pattern of the iambic rhyme of the first stanza. A vivid description of the calm sea in the first eight lines allows a picture of the sea to unfold. The next six lines really stand out, especially the words â€Å"Listen,† â€Å"grating roar,† and â€Å"eternal note of sadness.† The distinction between the sight and sound imagery continues into the third stanza. Sophocles can hear the Aegean Sea, but cannot see it. He hears the purposelessness â€Å"of human misery,† but cannot see it because of the â€Å"turbid ebb and flow† of the sea. The allusion of Sophocles and the past  is replaced by the auditory image, â€Å"But now I only hear/ Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar/ Retreating to the breath/ Of the night-wind, down the vast edges drear/ And naked shingles of the world† (Lines 24-28). There is a sense of sympathy. The words â€Å"tremulous cadence slow† and â€Å"eternal note of sadness† evokes a sense pity for the speaker whose struggle with illusion and reality seems to end in darkness and sadness. Not only will the speaker have to confront reality, but â€Å"beyond the ‘naked shingles’ the darkness continues, interrupted only by the confused alarms and fights and ringing conflicts of battle by night-the sounds of supreme futility† Arnold uses much alliteration and assonance in the poem as well. For example, in line 31, â€Å"To lie before us like a land of dreams†, repeating the letter L at the beginning of three words. Also, in line 4, â€Å"Gleams and is gone†¦Ã¢â‚¬  repeating the letter G. Arnold shows use of assonance in line 2, â€Å"tied/lies† and in line 31, â€Å"lie/like† The most important method in â€Å"Dover Beach† includes the rhythm and the meter of the lines and the stanzas of the poem. The sea/is calm/to-night. The gentle lively rhythm of the iamb mirrors the â€Å"ebb and flow† of the sea. The actual words of the first line manifest this idea to picture a calm sea gently lapping at the beach. The second line also reveals a calm sea. However, line 3 breaks the pattern and forces the reader to break his or her own rhythm. Line 3 includes: Upon/the straits,//on the French/Coast/the light. The line begins and ends with an iamb, but the middle is broken up. This is a foreshadow of the disorder to come. The fourth line breaks up even farther at the beginning, but the fifth line recovers the rhythm. Glimmering/and vast//out in/the tran/quil bay. The rhythm recovers by the end of the first stanza, but the original rhythm has not. The number of feet per line constantly increases from three to four and then to five, once again, a foreshadow of the upcoming struggle. The second stanza attempts to regain a pattern but the pattern disappears in line 7 only to reappear in line 8. The pattern of iambs continues through the stanza, but the number of feet per line never projects a pattern. In other words, by the use of a pattern in the rhythm and the lack of a pattern in the number of feet per line and the rhyme scheme, Arnold portrays an outwardly rhythmic and flowing poem with underlying confusion and trouble. The illusion of the rhythm masks  the reality of the struggle of the speaker. The auditory qualities of lines 9-14 set the tone for the rest of the poem. â€Å"LISten! yoU HEAR the GRATing ROar / of PEBbles which the WAves DRaw back, anD FLinG, / aT their return, UP the HIgh strand, / BEgin, anD ceASE, anD thEN agAIN beGIN, / with TREMulous CAdenCE SLOw, anD bring / the eterNAL noTe oF SADness IN.† Arnold’s â€Å"Dover Beach† applies technical qualities, symbolism, and imagery to reveal the theme of illusion versus reality. The emotional struggle of the speaker is supported by the rhythm and the meter, the lack of a consistent rhyme scheme, the figures of speech, the sound of the words, and the irony of the entire poem. The symbolism of the sea and the imagery of light and dark bring out the alternating visual and auditory qualities, which elaborate on illusion and reality, respectively, Arnold’s portrayal of one person’s battle with illusion and reality shows a complex view of humanity in a simple poem.

Understanding how market equilibrium is maintained is essential for Research Proposal

Understanding how market equilibrium is maintained is essential for business managers - Research Proposal Example et equilibrium in a free market environment refers to the time when the quantity of goods supplied in the market balances the demand level in the market. An equilibrium market does not encounter the challenges of excess supply as well as excess demand. In an equilibrium market, buyers and sellers have expounded understanding of the prevailing prices of goods and services as well as the quality of goods and services on offer. Clear knowledge of the prevailing market trends expels any attempts by particular sellers to increase their prices above the market value. A good knowledge of how to maintain market equilibrium is essential for most managers when making decision on the quantity of goods top supply to the market. Insight understanding of market equilibrium also assists in decision making on the methods of production to be employed. Business managers ought to have deep understanding of the laws of demand and the determinants of demand. The law of demand states that demand of a particular commodity increases with increase in quality and decrease in price. Since the sole purpose of every business organization is to increase sales volume and make more profits, business managers have no option a part from operating as per the guidelines of the law of demand. In this regard, business managers need to set their operation to ensure production of high quality products that will pose a good competitive advantage in the market (Rothbard, 2006). Improving quality of goods produced by a business organization, promises good sales volume thereby lifting the profit margins of an organization. Similarly, reducing costs of goods on sale by a business organization attracts more demand for that particular product. When demand for a product increases, it is automatic that the particular product will record high and fast sales thus improving the profits due to that product. Demand also increases with increase in the household income. Tastes of particular products also affect the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Workplace diversity Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Workplace diversity - Term Paper Example enowned consumer product leader, and its products are widely used by about 4.4 billion consumers around the globe with its portfolio of quality and trusted consumer products and some of its famous products are Pampers, Whispers, Oral-B, Head & Shoulders, Gillette and Duracell. P&G has present operations in about 80 nations, and its brands are available in more than 180 nations around the world. Established in the year 1837, its reported revenue in the year 2011 was about $82,559 million and its employee strength was reported as 129,000 in the year 2012. This research essay will analyse the significance given to diversity in the P&G by Alan George Lafley during his tenure as CEO of the company between 2000 and 2010. In his young age, A.G. Lafley earned his graduation from Fenwick High School, which is situated in Oak Park, Illinois and also got his A.B from† Hamilton College in 1969†. He underwent a doctoral program in the 1970 at the University of Virginia and during the Vietnam War, he worked as the supply officer with the U.S Navy. Then, he underwent† M.B.A program at Harvard Business School and received his M.B.A in 1977.† Upon his graduation, he was recruited by Proctor & Gamble (P&G) as trainee, and later he rose to the position of Chairman, President and Chief Executive of P&G in June 2000 and retired from P&G in 2010. As assistant brand manager for Joy dishwashing soap, Alan George Lafley joined the P&G in the year 1977. He was promoted as CEO of P&G in the year 2000, from that of the head of North America operations after many successful years of service in P&G due to the resignation of his predecessor Durk Jager. When Lafley became CEO, P&G has become a reputed company that marketed more than 300 brands in over 140 nations around the globe thereby actively spotlighting on resolving the requirements of its very diverse stakeholder’s demands. Thus, Lafley’s commitment to P&G diversity initiatives has brought credit to the organization both

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Emigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Emigration - Essay Example While most people believe that emigration is good for the emigrants, other people like me, believe it is important to look at the causes of emigration in order to curb this existing trend. According to Scholar (190), one of the main known causes of emigration is education. Education in most cases is known as the key to success in life. Mainly, education supports people in life by shaping their career paths, which they rely on for their livelihoods. Education is also important in that it prepares people for wise leadership and personal accomplishments in life. This happens through opening people minds to new ideas in life and enlightens them on their rights and freedoms as citizens of a particular country. It is only through education that people can make separate identity. Of late, education has been classified as a basic need in life. It enlightens people on how they should think, how to work properly, how to make right decisions. Laipson and Chomuik (1), believe that the quality of education is very important to people. With quality education, people are able to familiarize themselves with the latest technology, which makes their life easier. Moreover, quality education enhances production and use of creative ideas, innovative projects, and knowledge. Quality education is also used in research whereby emigrants move to new countries to seek quality research. For instance, many scholars in developing countries immigrate to developed countries such as US to conduct their research on projects that they aim to introduce in their own country in future. Moreover, people emigrate to different countries to seek affordable quality education. Countries where the cost of education is high are more likely to experience emigration than countries whereby the cost of education is cheap and affordable. Issues related to employment have been in the front line to contribute to emigration. It is well known that employment is a source of livelihood for most of the people in the world. Various countries will have more employment opportunities than others due to issue related to absolute advantage and comparative advantage in their economies. In addition, these countries will have different rates of return for investments that raises the rate of attraction for potential emigrants. Moreover, the recipient countries for emigrants will have high payment opportunities than those countries where emigrants come from (Dolan 1). According to Ian (1), payments and employment opportunities are the main causes of emigration from developing countries. This is because developed countries tend to pay highly as compared to developing countries. Moreover, the large size of their firms creates more employment opportunities as compared to the small size of firms in developing countries. Productive employment opportunities and decent work are the main routes out of poverty. Proper-functioning labor markets and an enabling environment for confined free enterprise are indispensa ble to intensify employment opportunities for the emigrants. Moreover, the developed counties emigrants go to have workers’ rights and benefits that distinguish and improve situations in the emigrants’ economy, where most poor emigrants and their families earn their source of revenue. Workers’ rights and benefits are important to poverty reduction. Increasing the employability of emigrants,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Perl Harbor(Japanese-American Relationship) Research Paper

Perl Harbor(Japanese-American Relationship) - Research Paper Example A similar reaction of racism towards a group of people can be seen from the events of September 11, 2001. Because the terrorists were from the Middle East, many Middle Eastern Americans have been singled out by other Americans and treated poorly. The attack by the Japanese on the American naval base Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, will forever be known as â€Å"a day that will live in infamy.† The decision by the Japanese to attack the United States on their own soil has often been referred to as â€Å"awakening a sleeping giant.† This attack prompted the United States to declare war with Japan. The Japanese-American relationship went from somewhat peaceful to in a state of war almost overnight. The only response the United States could have had was to declare war on Japan. The book Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford provides a fictional, personal account of the strained relationship between the Japanese and Americans at the beginning of World War I I. In the book, a young Henry Lee becomes friends with a Japanese American girl named Keiko Okabe. He is from China but she was born in the United States. After the events of Pearl Harbor, the setting of the book in Seattle has grown anti-Japanese. Keiko and her family are sent to an internment camp because they are Japanese in origin. The fictional novel shows the widespread panic by Americans toward other Japanese Americans during this time period. After America declared war on Japan, Americans started to lose trust in their Japanese immigrant friends and neighbors. The solution was to force the Japanese immigrants into internment camps in order to prevent any spies from assisting Japan. This solution was the result of fear, misinformation, and overall ignorance from the American people and government. Two months after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed an order that forced Japanese Americans to move to internment camps (Peterson 16). Betwee n 1942 and 1945, an estimated 117,000 Japanese Americans lived in these camps. After an estimated 3,500 Americans died during Pearl Harbor, and America declared war immediately on Japan in response (Tunnell 1). In his book about Japanese internment camps, Tunnell explains the reaction by Americans to their friends and neighbors who happened to be Japanese: â€Å"Fiery patriotic propaganda against Japan filled newspapers and radio broadcasts, and many Americans were overcome by an irrational hatred of anything Japanese- including fellow Americans who wore Japanese faces (1).† America has many immigrants, and in 1941 there were many immigrants who had come to America from Japan. The problem was that they â€Å"looked like the enemy† (Tunnell 2). Racism towards Japanese Americans prior to the attacks on Pearl Harbor was not uncommon: In the Pacific States, they were not even allowed to own land or marry outside their race- in a country established by immigrants, no less! It was not uncommon to see billboards during the 1920’s, 1930’s, and early 1940’s on the West Coast that read ‘Japs, don’t let the sun shine on you here. Keep moving,’ or ‘Japs keep moving. This is a white man’s neighborhood. (Tunnell 3) Many Americans were unexplainably racist to Japanese immigrants prior to the events of Pearl Harbor. The term â€Å"Japs† was a derogatory term for the Japanese people. Then, when Japan attacked Pearl

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Challenges in College Recruiting Research Proposal

Challenges in College Recruiting - Research Proposal Example This section will explain the issue under examination and its significance. In this case, the challenges facing recruitment in colleges will be examined with the aim of finding recommendations on how to handle the challenges in the future. The research will be conducted on the existing information on the issue. Academic sources such as Google books and scholarly articles will be used. The results obtained will be summarized, and the critical studies discussed. The citation will be done in APA, as required. The data will also be analyzed to determine its relevance to the solution of the issue. The primary reason for analyzing the available background information is to identify the areas of the problem that it fails to address. The resulting questions that are not dealt with by the existing information will be posted as proof of the insufficiency of the literature review. Finally, the question (s) to be pursued for the research will be chosen from the ones developed from the information. The questions been examined will be described, citing reasons as to why the research is viable. The specific issues under study will be listed, and introducing the interrelationship between the question and the question stated in the introduction. The particular claim, in this case, is that there are various challenges that affect the process of recruitment in colleges and other institutions of learning. Some of the problems include ideological differences and corruption. The elimination of these social evils would lead to a better process of recruiting and enrolling students in a college. The topic was chosen because these challenges are ignored yet there are possible ways of eliminating them. The aim of the research is thus to identify the challenges and recommend possible means of dealing with them. That involves a description of the methods of data collection and analysis to be used to complete the research. In this case, data collection will be done through the use of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Identify a quality management related problem(s) in the firm of your Coursework

Identify a quality management related problem(s) in the firm of your choice - Coursework Example Generally, the term quality management embraces four main components namely quality assurance, quality planning, quality improvement and quality control (Prajogo & Sohal, 2006). Hence, it is evident that quality management does not focus solely on the quality of products and services offered by a firm but also takes into account the ways by which a company can achieve it. In order to ensure the company achieves quality, control of processes and quality assurance techniques are put into practice. As a result of the number of opportunities provided by quality management, companies around the world have implemented quality management programs into their system of operation (Kaynak, 2003). This study will shed light on the quality management issues faced by a company and along with that it will also try to identify the principal causes of the issues. Once the root cause of the issue is identified, the report will recommend techniques by which the firm can overcome those problems. The com pany chosen in this context is Toyota and, for better understanding of the report, the study will present a brief overview of the company. Toyota: An Overview Toyota is regarded as one of the largest automobile manufacturing companies in the world. Toyota also ranks among the global fortune 500 companies and is one of the leading corporation of the world in terms of revenue and profit margins. The history of Toyota can be traced back to the early 19th century. The company was founded in the year 1937 by Kiichiro Toyoda. It is currently headquartered at Toyota, Aichi, Japan. The company is involved in the manufacturing and marketing of automobile products. The company creased its first engine and named it as Type - A engine during the year 1936. The first passenger car launched by the company was Toyota AA. The company operates in almost every part of the world and is therefore regarded as one of the global companies. Although headquartered in Japan, the company believes in decentral ized decision making and as a result of that the company operates independently in every part of the world. As of financial year end 2013, the total revenue of the company was ?22.064 trillion and the profit margins were ?962.1 billion. The company employs 333,498 people across the globe (Yahoo Finance, 2013). The above financial results clearly highlight the strong financial situation of the company. The company has 522 subsidiary companies. It has two divisions, namely Lexus and Scion, and both the companies operate under the Toyota Group. Some of the best selling products are automobiles, engines, commercial vehicles and motorcycles. Apart from the manufacturing of automobile parts, the company is also involved in financing, banking and leasing. Despite the numbers of positive factors, the company has faced several issues related to the quality of the products and services offered by the company (Yahoo Finance, 2013). Problem Poor quality management can act as a major constraint for a project. Due to poor quality of management the overall quality of the outcome degrades and results in a negative consequence. This not only harms the reputation of the company in the market place, but alongside the customers also shifts to other sellers. Therefore from this fact it is evident that poor

MGT_3900 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MGT_3900 - Essay Example The business planning process requires a thorough analysis of the following areas. This is the introductory stage of the business plan. The section involves creating an outline of the business and its intentions. The interested parties in a business plan will require knowing why the business exists. In order to make them aware of the business plan, the planner needs to include the following vital parts. This step involves clarifying what is more important to a business. Mission statement involves providing a clear purpose for the readers with the context for the venture and will giving the business its new meaning. In order to do this, the business comes up with a comprehensive mission statement. Business overview is the summary of the present state of the business venture. Business overview describes the principal owners of the business venture and its classification. For instance, sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation lists the business owners. In addition, this stage describes the kind of business, which the venture operates such as manufacturing, retailing, wholesale, service providing, or some combination. This is the second stage of making a business plan. This section discusses the market and the approach in which the business is going to take. Moreover, this section discusses market characteristics, target customer profile, level of competition, and how the business is going to make maximum use of them to make a successful venture. This stage discusses various market forces such as supplier power, new competitors, substitute products, buyer power, industry rivalry, and government regulations. The third important stage of making a business plan is competitor assessment. The section involves a thorough analysis of the business competitors. This section involves defining the competitors and their profile by deeply looking into their strengths and weaknesses. In this section, the business plan discusses customer profile and their

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Sexual Misconduct Underage Girls In The Swimming Teams Undergo Movie Review

The Sexual Misconduct Underage Girls In The Swimming Teams Undergo Under Their Coaches - Movie Review Example The coaches see the girls as easy prey and spread their sexual tentacles to them. They threaten them to ensure that word of their sexual misconduct does not reach adults. Their sexual misconduct is a slow process that starts with simple talks and then advances to caressing. This is followed by kissing and later fondling. Some stop at this point but some coaches simply break the limit. They advance to deep kissing and later full sexual intercourse (Ross, 2010). They do not care that these are minors they are dealing with which is not only legally unacceptable but it is morally and ethically inappropriate. They do not care about the lives of the young girls they are messing around with nor do they care about the life long trauma the girls will get as a result of guilt and harboring secrets. All they care about are their own sexual gratification and when discovered, they quickly relocate to another state and continue the same cycle. The other key point raised is the fact that the US swimming association does not take the issue seriously. It defends their coaches and lets them back on the job after suspension or simply with a warning. They also fail to conduct proper background checks on a coach before being hired and they simply rely on official criminal records. Many coaches who are sexual molesters and have gotten away with it still roam around and seek similar jobs elsewhere and hunt for new preys to sexually molest.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Positive outcomes for children and young people Essay Example for Free

Positive outcomes for children and young people Essay 1.1 Social factors Personal choice Some families decide that they do not wish to live or act in a way in which is viewed as normal. For instance a child may be from a travelling family. The outcome of this factor is that there are people which may not be able to relate to the child or young person’s families views. If a Child is from a travelling family there is a possibility that their development at school may be delayed due to being transferred from school to school. Poor parental supervision and neglect All children need a routine and a loving family home. Without these there may be conflict at their school because they do not know or understand acceptable boundaries. They may have vague view of their own abilities and may believe they are allowed to do what they want because they do not know any different. Lack of boundaries could result in them becoming involved in crime and anti-social behaviour. Neglect could lead to health problems through malnutrition. They may struggle to form social relationships because of their lack of personal hygiene. Poor clothing could lead to bulling and teasing, causing them to be withdrawn and become isolated. Offending or anti-social behaviour Children who miss behave and break the law may run the risk of being expelled from school. Also there is a possibility that their family could be evicted from their social housing accommodation. A child could be taken into care for various reasons such as a parent could be in prison.. The child may perceive the behaviour as normal or acceptable. It may result in them making some bad personal choices. Disability if there is a parent or a child in the family that has a disability, this could affect the family especially if the child is used as a carer for their parents. In some cases respite care may be needed for families with family members that are disabled and this can cause family disruptions and inconsistency in a young person’s care especially if the respite care is for overnight visits away from home. Health support whilst a child or family member is receiving support for healths issue this could possibly affect continuity of care, education, development and income. Addictions The impact on addictions can be varied. They can suffer health problems if their mother had a drug or alcohol problem during pregnancy. They may suffer from neglect, abuse or violence. If they have younger siblings they may find themselves responsible for their care and therefore may suffer stress and feel isolated. They may feel scared and find it difficult to speak to people for fear of getting in trouble or going into care. They may ultimately find themselves in care if the addiction results in their parents being unable to care for them. Bereavement and loss If a family loses a member of the family or a close friend this could affect the mental and in turn physical health of a family. Adults that have lost their partners may find the emotional strain difficult to cope with and may then find it more difficult to care for other children in the family. This can leave a child feeling very insecure and frightened. They may become quiet and withdrawn. They may become very emotional, clingy and tearful or become violent and abusive. They may feel angry, let down and abandoned. Their work and concentration at school may suffer as a result of any stress and worry they may be feeling. They may suffer poverty as a result of a fall in the household income and also suffer a dramatic change in lifestyle that leaves them confused. Economic factors Poverty Families that live in poverty are more likely to suffer mental and physical problems and therefore may not be able to provide for their child. Poverty can result from low income, unemployment, parental separation, illness or disability, addictions, or criminal activities. Children may suffer malnutrition or a poor diet as a result of their parents being unable to afford quality food. It is possible for children to also suffer health related issues. If a child is within a poverty stricken family and this is noticeable by the clothes the child wears and activity the childs parents may not be able to afford then the child is at risk of potential bullying. Housing and community Families on a low income can be placed in local authority housing. If the family grows then this can cause overcrowding within the home. It can result in child having no privacy or space which can affect the child homework. If the home is within a dangerous area then this may result in the children becoming isolated, as their parents may be fearful of letting them out to play or they may themselves become involved in anti-social behaviour and criminal activities. Lack of academic achievement Children whose parents have had poor education or lack numeracy and literacy skills may struggle at school. Their parents may show little in their education and as a result they themselves may also lose interest and starts miss behaving in class or follow in the wrong crowd of friend which will lead to them failing in their education and struggle to get employment as an adult. Cultural factors Religious beliefs and customs Children may have to attend a school that is associated with their religion. It is always possible that this gives the child a different quality/balance of education. They may struggle to understand other people‘s religion or lifestyle choices. They may become confused or isolated and struggle to interact with the community. They may also experience or witness abuse on the grounds of their religious beliefs. Ethnic beliefs and customs Ethnic beliefs and customs can affect a child’s clothing, customs, dietary needs, education and other areas of their lives. Children may have different clothing which could lead to them being bullied. Their culture may view interaction between men and women in a different way. Children will struggle to recognise what is acceptable at school as it differs from home. This could cause them to come into conflict with school rules or to be perceived as mis behaving. 1.2 Low income for a family suffering from poverty can mean that children may not have the same advantages of other children not living in poverty. Such as not having â€Å"normal† clothes or accessories. Children may see this as a target for teasing and bullying. Poor housing could lead to ill health due to unacceptable standards within the home. Such as damp within the home or draft from poor quality of housing. Not having access to the correct food and warm clothing could affect health. Families that live in poverty are more likely to suffer mental and physical problems and therefore may not be able to provide for their child. Poverty can result from low income, unemployment, parental separation, illness or disability, addictions, or criminal activities. Children may suffer malnutrition or a poor diet as a result of their parents being unable to afford quality food. It is possible for children to also suffer health related issues. If a child is within a poverty stricken family and this is noticeable by the clothes the child wears and activitys the childs parents may not be able to afford then the child is at risk of potential bullying. 1.3 In accordance with Article 13 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child the outcomes of the Governments Every Child Matters framework and the Early Years Foundation Stage, children should be provisioned for by ensuring that children are involved and engaged with, allowing them to be heard, to make decisions, contribute their experiences and be supported and safeguarded throughout their development. Even from an early age, children’s choices, even simple ones, can have an impact on their life chances and outcomes such as choosing which toys to play with at pre-school or which friends to play with, a child may develop a friendship with another child who is perhaps a bit louder and boisterous and may display unwanted behaviour, this choice of friend may have a negative impact on the childs behaviour at home or in other settings they move onto. Whilst the child has the right to choose their friends, it is our responsibility to involve the child in setting expectati ons of their behaviour and help them to make a positive contribution, which is one of the outcomes of the ECM framework. Children throughout their lives will make choices such as whether to eat healthily or unhealthily or start smoking or drinking, as any early years setting we ensure that we offer healthy snacks and encourage parents to supply healthy balanced lunch boxes, we involve the children in activities and discussions about the importance of healthy living but there will come a point where they can choose for themselves. If a child/young person chooses to eat unhealthily this will have a negative impact on their well-being, they could become overweight, develop diabetes and it could exclude them from taking part in activities, this could continue and have a negative knock on effect throughout their lives perhaps causing them to suffer low self esteem and become withdrawn from social situations. 2.1 The Every child matters outcomes are: Be Healthy – this also includes how our health is affected by our social, mental, emotional and physical well-being. The Government has a focus on healthy living for children. At my preschool we provide healthy snacks for the children. We also promote healthy choices, talk about healthy hearts and activities that teach them an active lifestyle.Stay Safe – we ensure children in our care are safeguarded. We have a named safeguarding officer who we can take any concerns to. We also have a robust safeguarding policy. Children know they can talk to any member of staff if they do not feel safe and they know they will be listened to.Enjoy and Achieve – we observe children so we understand their needs and can then plan more accurately for individual children.Make a Positive Contribution – we are continually assessing and developing our policies to ensure we are always making positive contributions to children’s developmentAchieve Economic Well-being  œ by ensuring we follow all the EYFS and Every Child Matters we are ensuring all children have the best start in life and can go on into adulthood and achieve economic well-being. 2.2 The importance of designing services is that each child, young person and their family will have different needs, requirements and barriers that can prevent their access and success. Securing positive outcomes and maximising life chances. It is important to design services that respond to each unique set of needs as each organisation supporting children and young people will be working on behalf of them to achieve the five positive outcomes of every child matters .A non-responsive service would be less accessible, date quickly, may discriminate, be unable to cope with queries, requests, break down and have the potentially to damage the interests of those in need, failing in its ability to safeguard children and the extended community.Issues involved with designing services: How networking between services happens Outreach services and what is available Communication consultation Making effective change Flexibility in working together Care in preparation Integrating information from differing services Collaboration between services, children, young people, parents Ensuring information 2.3 Its very important to listen to childrens views and communicate with parents and respect their points of view. We need to communicate well with children and take into account that young children may use non verbal communication. If children and young people are given chances on what activity they would like to do they are making a decision which can help them become confident. Every week we let the children plan to play. They get to decide where exactly they would like to play within the nursery and if there are certain activitys they would like to carry out. It is always the childs decision. It allows the children to make the choice by themselves building up confidence, self-esteem and social skills. I really enjoy seeing the children gain their confidence and I can tell it makes them feel very important by being allowed to deal and make their own choices. I notice that if the child is allowed to make their own choice then they are much more focused on their chosen activity rather than being told what activity they are doing. Whilst doing this and the child is growing up they can take with them their decision making skills and apply them to adult life. 2.4 2-3 years of age.All children of different ages and stages will chose what they would like to play with within our setting. They do not get help from the adults unless a little support is needed on how to carry out a certain activity. Children will chose different activities to play with. One child will play with cars trains. Another child might like the sensory equipment such as paint and sand. As practitioners in our setting it is our job to provide a variety of resources for the child to make their own choices. This will encourage the child to explore the environment and play with the activities that they enjoy.At snack time we offer a variety of fruit and this is passed round the children sitting in a circle. Again the child is able to make the decision on what type of fruit they would like to eat.Ages 3-6 years.Again at this age within our setting we promote that every child has a variety of choices when planning their time in nursery. At this age I have noticed that because the children are getting older and developing personality and relationships with the other children they tend to stick to the same type of activity. 7- 9 years At this age they like to choose what kind of after school activities they would like to participate, this will be incorporated with their likes and dislikes. This is the time where they take more interest in their optional units at school, this again can be a battle that takes part with parents because the young adult may want to take options that the parents disagree with, however I feel that with both of my children I did let them choose their own optional units and they both did very well, I feel this was because they were interested in what they chose to do. They don’t have an option on certain subjects so it is important for them to help chose the ones that they can. Teenagers-19 years They will choose what work experience they would like to do. This will enable them to try a certain type of work before they go to college or university. They also begin to have a sense of style by choosing and buying their own clothes. Sometimes they will have dramatic choices in life to make, however they can sometimes make the wrong choices, this can include under-age drinking, drugs, smoking, gangs, crime and we can only be there to advise and help support the teenager we can reinforce what they are doing to themselves and others and offer support and guidance. They have to make certain life changing choices such as relationship, employment, which university or college these will be important changes that only they can make. 3.1 Disability can impact the life of a child because of discrimination. Within society children get discriminated against because of their disability. This could be by not being included within groups of children because of their disability. This happens often in our society because young people or children do not understand what disability is at a young age. The result of this discrimination happening could be that the child or young person could get depressed and have low self esteem from not been included. The lack of opportunity available for disabled people could effect disabled or young peoples lives this could be no disabled access on mainstream schools or colleges or on community centres which acts as a barrier for the disabled people when they are trying to lead normal lives. When disabled people cannot use public facilities as mentioned above, it also gives them a barrier to choice and they cannot choose to do things which are not available for them. An example of lack of choi ce is courses within colleges that are not available to the disabled because there is no access . 3.2 A person is often disabled as a result of their impairment unless an effort is made to allow them to fit in and feel accepted. It is possible to avoid or reduce the impact of the impairment so the person can have opportunities to make choices, develop their potential, become independent and play a full part in society. You should always keep a balance between being realistic about the limitations that a childs impairment may cause, whilst at the same time having high expectations for their progress and achievements.Practitioners should have a positive attitude about their capacity to provide for disabled childrens requirements, and are ready to learn new skills such as sign language or using the Makaton system. The children have greater opportunities for making developmental progress. 3.3 Models of disability provide a framework for understanding the way in which people with impairments experience disability. The social model of disability identifies systemic barriers, negative attitudes and exclusion by society that means society is the main factor in disabling people. While physical, sensory, intellectual, or psychological variations may cause individual functional limitation or impairments these do not have to lead to disability unless society fails to take account of and include people regardless of their individual differences. The social model can affect daily practice as some people can not take part in a going to a swimming lesson unless it is specialised. An example of when this takes place is when workplaces do not have wheelchair ramps, so people in wheelchairs can not be employed there. This also happens in some restaurants. The medical model of disability is by which illness or disability being the result of a physical condition, and which is intrinsic to the individual may reduce the individuals quality of life and causes clear disadvantages to the individual. The medical model tends to believe that curing or at least managing illness or disability mostly or completely revolves around identifying the illness or disability from an in-depth clinical perspective understanding it, and learning to control and/or alter its course. 3.4 Speech and language therapy- they will usually work in partnership with parents, teachers and support staff and anyone else who has regular contact with the child and provide training and coaching sessions and provide them with ideas and strategies to put into place to help promote the child’s speech. I myself have sat in on a session with a child in school when the speech therapist came to have a meeting with a child and she gave me advice sheets on how best to help the child with his speech including picture cards with words on with either two, three and even four syllables and the child was encouraged to clap the amount of syllables while saying the word. Support from health professionals additional learning support- a child who has a disability like down syndrome may need extra support in the classroom to help them learn in my setting we have a child who comes in every Tuesday for social skills and he has his own teaching assistant to support him with his needs. A child with epilepsy is likely to require regular monitoring from health professionals and medication, which needs to be adjusted appropriately. Assistive technology- these would be anything which will help someone for example wheelchairs, hearing aids, walking frames in my setting we use large computer key boards for some children and for a child who is blind you could use software which reads text from a screen there are many different aids available for children and adults to help them with everyday tasks. 4.1 Diversity is about valuing individual difference. So diversity is much more than just a new word for equality. A diversity approach aims to recognise value and manage difference to enable all employees to contribute and realise their full potential. Diversity challenges us to recognise and value all sorts of differences in order to make our environment a better place for everyone to work. Equality is about making sure people are treated fairly and given fair chances. Equality is not about treating everyone in the same way, but it recognises that their needs are met in different ways. Equality focuses on those areas covered by the law, namely the key areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, transgender and Age. People must not be unfairly discriminated against because of any of these factors and we must all contribute to creating a positive workplace and service delivery environment where discriminatory practices and discrimination no longer happen. Inclusion is about ensuring that children and young people, whatever their background or situation, are able to participate fully in all aspects of the life in school. It is not about viewing everyone as the same or providing the same work, but about providing the same opportunities and access to a high quality of education. 4.2 By treating all families equally this as a positive impact on the child because they can see that their family is being respected and will raise the child’s self esteem. In my setting we promote different cultures and religions every year we celebrate the Chinese New Year and children are taught about some of their traditions and we make dragons and red envelopes with money in and this year in PE we even used materials for the children to dress at dragons and do a dance. My setting provides excellent equipment and resources to enable children to be included and the correct training of staff. We have wall displays about others counties and provide many books on other cultures and religions in the library we display work the children have done for parents to see. We adapt activities to meet the needs of the child and also adapt ways of communicating including visual aids, body language, and speaking slower and face-to-face.Speech therapists promote this by providing different types of communicating methods. With the child and the parents. Behavioural support will come into school and give information and advice on the best ways to tackle bad behaviour and they will also work with the parents.Education support services will monitor attendance and provide a link between school, parent and pupils where necessary and they will develop a supportive relationship between them. They will give advice on issues such as bullying and also they will take legal action against parents if their child is not accessing an education.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Literature Sources for Nurse Administrators

Literature Sources for Nurse Administrators Pramila Chaudhary Nurse leaders today are assuming active role in planning, designing, managing, and organizing patient care delivery models in order to meet the challenges of mounting health care costs faced by health care settings. Department of Health and Human Services, through their Medicare Shared Savings Program, released a rule in 2011, to reward Account Care Organizations that lower healthcare cost and meet evidence-based quality performance parameters (Hajewski, 2014). A nurse administrator in healthcare setting is required to implement measures to find efficient ways of providing nursing care, safety, quality outcomes, and staff development. Planning care management based on evidence and research are within scope of nursing and the conceptual framework of management and leadership (Galganski, 2006). Nurse administrators today have access to many sources of financial and business literature regarding current trends in health care changes and its implication to leadership and management theor y. Table -A below identifies five source journals and Table-B identifies ten literature sources for reference in advance clinical practice and planning care models best outcomes for patients. Nurse leaders are required to continually meet current demands of rising health care costs and must plan to implement value-based changes to provide the best patient care. Table-A below shows management Journals for reference providing knowledge through peer reviewed articles on the web links on the site. Table-B below shows literature sources found to add current knowledge through blogs, news and peer reviewed articles compiled on the web links provided on the site. Interagency Council on Information Resources in Nursing (ICIRN) (ICIRN, 2014) gives a comprehensive guide to how resources can be applied to nursing practice depending on the need to research related practice articles. Journal Resource Usefulness in Practice Journal Of Nursing Administration (JONA) JONA is a journal for nursing leaders and administrators to be used as a guide for decisions in managing healthcare organization related to nursing, business and finance. Nurse leaders can also avail current news, blogs, and research relating to healthcare organizations from JONA, a peer-reviewed journal (JONA, 2014). Nursing Management Journal Nursing Management journal is a resource for nurse leaders with peer-reviewed articles that provide practical information, as well as legal and ethical guide to nursing practice. â€Å"Nursing Management provides regular features, columns, continuing education, staff development and education, and more.† (Nursing Management, 2014). Nursing Administration Quarterly Journal Nursing Administration Quarterly (NAQ) journal provides peer-reviewed articles that nursing administrators can use to answer nursing practice and management related questions. It is published 4 times per year (NAQ, 2014). Nursing Economic$ Journal Nursing Economic$ provides resources for nursing leadership in health care. â€Å"The journal supports nurse leaders and others who are responsible for directing nursings impact on health care cost and quality outcomes.† (Nurse Economics, 2014). Nurse Leader (Bimonthly Journal) Nurse Leader journal is a bimonthly journal and provides nurses with practical information like how to strive for magnet status of hospital and other management studies in organizational theory, and is a valuable reference for nurse leaders (Nurse Leader, 2014). Table-A- Journal Sources Literature Sources Usefulness in Practice American Nurses Association (ANA) Nursing world. ANA is a professional Nursing organization promoting the rights of nurses, lobbying for nurses in the congress. ANA codes of ethics are used as guide to address nursing practice issues. ANA established a code of professional nursing and is a valuable source for ethics in nursing (ANA, 2014). Journal of Advanced Nursing The Journal of Advanced Nursing (JAN) is an international peer reviewed Journal.JAN is well known for research and scholarship advocacy, and for up to date news on quality standards. It is a source for nursing administrators for news, journals articles and current information for nursing, medicine, allied health, and pharmacy. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. (2014). (Quarterly). This online Journal from Sigma Theta Tau International is free for members and provides knowledge, systematic reviews, and articles useful for nursing practice, current quality and research information. Nursing administrators, nursing educators and public health care policy makers can use this information. STTI addresses current nursing and healthcare trends and issues in nursing and health care (STTI, 2014). Lippincott ‘s Nursing This site provides professional and clinical database for nursing administration practice and organizations including CE, nursing journals abstracts, certification and licensure guides, news updates, job opportunities, and RSS feeds (Really Simple Syndication). (, 2014). The Joint Commission. The Joint Commission is an independent organization and promotes safe patient care by accreditation for hospitals and other health organizations. Nursing administrators can use this source to guide hospital quality and practice standards (Joint Commission, 214) Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI) As described in the information about the journal, OJNI provides knowledge regarding electronic documenting for managing health records and nursing care. OJNI can be used for reference and new and updated informatics news in nursing practice (OJNI, 2014). Medscape Nurses web site Medscape Nurses site includes Blogs, experts, and viewpoints; it also provides free newsletters alerts on clinical advances in nursing, and includes current information for education and clinical nursing practice (Medscape nurses, 2014). American Journal of Nursing (AJN) The American Journal of Nursing promotes high standards in nursing practice. It is peer reviewed and evidence-based, and presents professional issues faced by nurses. This is a useful site as it promotes nursing perspectives (AJN, 2014). AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality) The Agency for Healthcare Research and Qualitys (AHRQ) is a resource from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and offers quality, safety, and evidence based research information (AHRQ, 2014). This site is useful to get current research and quality measures that are being studied and to get data on previous studies, useful for nursing practice as it relates to patient care (AHRQ, 2014). Association of Operating Room Nursing (AORN, 2014) The AORN Journal and website is a resource for standards of operating room nursing with scholarly, evidence-based, peer-reviewed articles. The journal and website provide physiological, behavioral, patient safety. Information regarding research and quality improvement, and education can be obtained here. This journal provides valuable information and recommends standards of perioperative nursing(AORN, 2014). Table –B – Literature Sources The article in Journal of Nursing Administration, â€Å"Care Coordination: A Model for the Acute Care Hospital Setting† by Hajewski Shirey (2014), addresses problem of fragmented care by physicians and multiple care providers resulting in increased health costs. The new care model is developed in response to healthcare reform legislation, which rewards accountable care organizations through a Shared Medicare Savings program, accounting for quality of care and reducing medical cost. The article provides valuable information to nursing administrators. The article in Nursing Management journal by Hollingsworth et al., (2014), â€Å"Diving into data: Quantifying efficiency by improving patient flow† proposes care organizations to strive for quality and volume in keeping with current demands placed by Affordable Care Act. Hollingsworth et al., (2014) propose that hospitals must reduce admission delays, long waits, uncoordinated care, and discharge processes. The article proposes electronic debriefing of daily operations and bed status report to organizational leadership for more efficient outcomes. The article in American Journal of Nursing by Wallis (2014-11), â€Å"CMS to Compensate Providers for Coordinating Care† discusses how nurse practioners may be compensated for services they already provide to chronically ill patients they care for. According to Wallis (2014), CMS establishes new policy to pay for coordination of care in management of multiple chronic health conditions. This policy is geared towards better access and quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries. The article also discusses patient centered care document and Shared Savings Program for long-term care management services. Nurse leaders may apply methods based on information from credible journals to improve care in an efficient manner. The article, â€Å"Physician Practice Participation in Accountable Care Organizations: The Emergence of the Unicorn† by Shortell et al., (2014) analyses a study to evaluate participation of physicians and healthcare management processes to provide efficient care in Accountable care Organizations. Shortell et al., (2014) argue that the affordable care act expansion of coverage will not remain affordable over time, unless hospitals find a way to deliver care more efficiently and effectively. Lewis et al., in their article found in the Cochrane Library database, discussed increasing demand for healthcare providers to reduce costs in surgical cases. Lewis et al., propose that studies did not reveal a clear difference between care provided by anesthesiologist and nurse anesthetist when it came to adverse patient outcomes like death. As healthcare expands in the Affordable Heath Care Act, hospitals are driven toward using nurse anesthetists in order to implement cost reducing measures (Lewis et al., 2014). Nursing leadership can use this study to relate to their facility. Conclusion In conclusion, nurse leaders and managers have access to current and credible literature from wide range of disciplines ranging from nursing, medicine, social sciences, business, finance, and research regarding evidence based practice and quality measures, and management and leadership topics, which is useful in planning and directing nursing care as well as implement changes on policies and procedures that need to be re evaluated. Nursing management includes direct care managers who are responsible for primary care, middle managers who are responsible for coordinating care between departments, and nurse executives who are responsible for directing care in a healthcare facility; reviewing the literature is equally valuable for all levels of management for guiding decisions based on current knowledge. Nurse educators and faculty uses literature review as a teaching strategy, and for professional development of graduating nurses. Searching databases like CINAHL and PubMed will provide a wide range of nursing practice and related discipline topics, in addition nurse administrators need to consider rising health care costs and new regulations to form partnership with government such as Shared Medicare Savings program pose new challenges for todays nursing administrators. References AHRQ. (2014). About Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Retrieved from American Journal of Nursing. (AJN). (2014). About the Journal. Retrieved from American Nurses Association. (2014). About American Nurses Association. Retrieved from Association of Operating Room Nursing. (2014). About AORN. Retrieved from Essential Nursing Resources: for the Interagency Council on Information Resources in Nursing (ICIRN).. (n.d.) >The Free Library. (2014). Retrieved from Council+on-a0209535655 Galganski, C. J. (2006). Mapping the literature of nursing administration. Journal Of The Medical Library Association, 94E-87-E-91. Hajewski, C. (2014-11). Care coordination: a model for the acute care hospital setting. The Journal of nursing administration, 44(11), 577585.doi:10.1097/NNA.0000000000000129 Hollingsworth Forbes III, T., Crickmore Osborne, K., Hartsell, K. C., Wall, B. (2014). Diving into data: Quantifying efficiency by improving patient flow. Nursing Management, 45(7), 18-25. doi:10.1097/01.NUMA.0000451031.54092.2c Joint Commission Resources. (2014) About Joint Commission. Retrieved from Journal of Nursing Administration (JONA). (2014). About the journal. Retrieved from Lewis SR, Nicholson A, Smith AF, Alderson P. Physician anaesthetists versus non-physician providers of anaesthesia for surgical patients. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD010357. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010357.pub2. Lippincott ‘s Nursing (2014). About the Journal. Retrieved from Medscape Nurses. (2014). About Medscape Nurses. Retrieved from Nurse Leader. (2014). About the journal. Retrieved from Nursing Management (NM). (2014). About the Publication. Retrieved from Nursing Economic$. (2014). The Journal for Healthcare leaders. About the journal. Retrieved from Online Journal of Nursing Informatics. (OJNI). (2014). About the Journal. Retrieved from Shortell, S. M., McClellan, S. R., Ramsay, P. P., Casalino, L. P., Ryan, A. M., Copeland, K. R. (2014). Physician Practice Participation in Accountable Care Organizations: The Emergence of the Unicorn. Health Services Research, 49(5), 1519-1536. doi:10.1111/1475-6773.1216 The American Journal of Nursing (AJN). (2014). About the journal. Retrieved from The Journal of Advanced Nursing (JAN). (2014). Overview of the journal. Retrieved from mation.html Wallis, L. (2014-11). CMS to Compensate Providers for Coordinating Care. The American journal of nursing, 114(11), 16.doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000456414.33785.23 Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. (2014). (Quarterly). SSTI Journals. About SSTI. Retrieved from Wolters Kluwer Health and Lippincott Williams Wilkins. (2014). Retrieved from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Book Review: Understanding Dying, Death, and Bereavement

Book Review: Understanding Dying, Death, and Bereavement Antonia Wadell Abstract The research was based on interdisciplinary subject of social thanatology to further explain the process of dying, death and bereavement. The main objectives are to sensitize people to the subject of dying, death and bereavement, to aid those who have experienced loss of a love one to help individuals examine their own feelings and reactions to death and grieving, to make readers aware of different cultural groups’ death and bereavement. The topics cover cross-cultural examples of traditions, customs and burial rites through end of life issues. The different theories are introduced from Piaget cognitive stages of development, Durkheim’s four type of suicide, and Erickson’s developmental stages through suggested readings from latent functions of a funeral. Current issues of death and dying are covered in the research and the legal issues of death in today’s society. The scholarly and academically is practical for students because it addresses personal issue s relating to an individual ability to cope with psychological and the social processes of dying, death and bereavement. Summary The text was written to inform students in different fields how to go through end of life issues. The authors, Drs. Leming Dickinson, wanted to prepare informative, practical, words of wisdom to be understood by understanding the emotional and psychological experience to the process of dying, death and bereavement. The textbook begins with the current interest in death from different academic perspective to the through the grieving process through the life cycle. The American public has suffered great losses due to mass killings of the innocence bystanders so it has become a mystery to understand the loss of life and the lingering deaths of the chronic illness of love ones who come to the end of their lives. Thanatology has become a social interest in learning to deal with death emotionally and psychologically. Leming Dickinson desire to prepare medical and theological students for work related death. Death rate is based on gender, race, chronic disease and infant mortality that track the number of deaths for the year. The authors explains the different academia approaches to the topic of death by first understanding the biological approach, the psychological approach, anthropological approach and sociological approach through analysis of these approaches the student should acquire that this is a part of the end cycle of life. We must learn to cope with death because it will not diminish over time but continuing to be a part of life. In our society, we tend to know more about death based on causes and conditions but we haven’t learned to cope with it. Society must learn to talk about death with our young people and explain it to those who are children need to understand their emotions and the concept of death. The more we age the less frighten we become to accept death and we began to depend on intellectual, educational and social skills because our physical prowess will diminish. Our religious beliefs and practices are related to the preparation that Christ gave to the church that we would be transformed physical into a spiritual being. Many different societies believe in a supernatural force due to less complexity of their society however; societies which are more advance tend to rely more on scientific and advance technology to explain the causes of the situation. Religion tends to help people cope with the loss of a love one. The thought of dying is stressful but we must learn to be aware of dying and death through the understanding the emotional and psychological especially dealing with children and siblings of children because this not the natural of life but it is apparent that the effect of the loss will impact the family. The stages of grief developed by Kubler-Ross would benefit a family experiencing grief. The American way of life has progressed and accepted change to the way the dying has chosen to end life being surrounded by family and friends. No longer is the setting to death is at the home of the love one but now the settings can be at hospice care, nursing home and hospital. Hospice allows the younger child to be near the terminally ill and it allows the dying person to have all members there. The dying person may have the option to die where they chose which not an option of the past was. The changes of today’s care of the dying is to give them palliative care which focuses on the whole care of the person ranging from physical,social,psychological and spiritual attributes. Technology has changed the way death is determined because scientific breakthrough can allow the body live without brain activity. An individual can have life sustained for years with life support machines. Patients have the choice to donate their organs to give the hope of life to others who suffering from chronic ailments and diseases. The rise in suicide has been a road of debate does one have the right to take his/her life or rather die on his/her terms instead suffering through the chronic pain of an illness. Dr. Kevorkian begins to assist the terminally ill with the suicide or rather euthanasia procedure to end the cycle of life. The sociological perspective is that suicide occurs based on the feelings, thinking and doing by the person. The most important thing about the effect of suicide is that the love ones may be left with the feelings of shame and guilt. The people who are left to grieve may have a long road to find closure due to the perception of ‘no social support’ among others who are grieving too. The average person who attempt suicide is either adolescent, elderly male and not married. Males, more than females are likely to commit suicide because the males will use deadly weapons to complete the task. The death experience is more than a biological process because it connected to social structure and correct behavior related is shared, symboled and situated by those who are relative to the dying person. In the United States, funerals are the expression of one’s grief and bereavement period for the mourner. The development of insurance policies, cemeteries and funerals are part of the contemporary American life styles and regulation of funeral homes. The process of end of life issues by giving advance directives to dispose of personal property, living will and legal healthcare of power attorney. In the United States, the cost of a funeral expenses may run anywhere from $2500.00 to $9000.00 however; that is only one part of the expenses to death because all the deceased personal and hospital bills need to be paid. The legal system handles a person life from beginning to end. The process of grieving, bereavement roles, normal acceptance to the loss, four tasks of mourning and coping with a violent death are the methods to start the healing process. The grief process is not automatic because those who are grieving really need to do grief work to find closure. The stages of grief developed by Kavenaugh began with the shock and denial, disorganization, volatile reactions, guilt, loss and loneliness, relief and reestablishment. The behaviors and Kubler- Ross five stages of the dying process are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. The five stages are described in detail of the behaviors associated to the dying process. The transformative process within grief includes three components that can be understood by three questions: 1.What have I lost? 2.What do have left? 3. What may be possible for me? The process of transformation takes time and each question should be given the work to understand and to accept the loss. The mourner needs to have social support and assistance in the bereavement process. The most important deed that can be given to the mourner is to give of yourself time to listen and comfort them in their loss. The life cycle will be experienced by all and it will not be easy but those who are left behind have to learn to make adjustments to their lives. The loss of a love one does promote a growth experience with those who are left behind because it teaches those to meet the challenges of life without their love one. In conclusion, the textbook begins with the current interest in death from different academic perspective to the through the grieving process through the life cycle. The ability to understand the cycle of normal and abnormal grief by the symptoms identified through the text. To use the text to understand the stages of grief and apply them to the lives those who are suffering from depression and withdrawal from society. The authors give important steps to having a healthy recovery from grief. This is basically a map to begin the road of recovery from the need to understand the supernatural, the secular or the spiritual side of death. Concrete Response Upon reading this textbook of dealing with the subject of death and dying there were two topics that captured my attention. The first topic discussed those individuals who are in older adulthood. The authors talk about how the older adults are treated within the death and dying process. The elderly seem to be placed in nursing homes where they are expected to live until they die quietly. The older adults seem to be forgotten and tossed aside as if they were old news. This topic reminded me of my maternal grandmother and how she went through her dying process. I was stationed in Fort Bragg, North Carolina when she died. The immediate family, which included siblings, and grandchildren, were called to the hospital to make an important family decision about her arrangements after leaving the hospital. The decisions that needed to be made were where were we going to place her? Would she be institutionalized or would she die at home? The other decision was if the family wanted her to be sustained by life support systems until death. The factors that we had to consider were her age, would her body be strong enough to undergo any surgical procedures if necessary and what type of quality of life would she be able to maintain? First of all, my grandmother was 102 years old at the time of her death. Secondly, her body was so fragile that we were afraid for the doctors to do anything else to her. The doctors let us know that they had done all they could do f or her. Finally, the doctors made us aware of her condition and that her quality of life would not be a good one as her time to live was limited. The family made the decision to let her die at home in peace, and there would not be any life support equipment given to her. I noticed that my mother was not in agreement with the decision and made it known to me after leaving the hospital. My mother wanted to do whatever was necessary to keep my grandmother alive. Needless to say I felt as if I had betrayed my mother and my grandmother due to the decision that was made. The other event that came to mind was the death of a premature baby that belonged to a friend of mine and her husband in the military. I was disturbed by the picture of a family on page 14 posing for a family photo with the dead child in the mother’s arms. I understand that this is their way of keeping record of the living as well as the deceased but I felt that the picture was so impersonal. Not only did the family seem sad but there seemed to be coldness in the picture with the deceased child. My friend and I were stationed in Germany but we were both from the state of Georgia. My friend and her husband had not been married long but they were looking forward to becoming parents. She had to be taken to the hospital early due to some complications with the pregnancy. She had tried to have a baby before but unfortunately she miscarried. My friend had asked me to come to the hospital for moral support sense her family was not present at that time and I agreed to be there. Her husband was fortunate enough to have his younger sister stationed at the same base. When the baby was delivered the doctor told them that the baby was premature and alive but he was not sure for how long. After an hour the doctor came into her room an informed her and her husband that the baby had passed away due to being premature. The nurse came in and asked the couple if they wanted to see the baby and they of course replied yes. The nursing staff brought them their baby, placed the baby in the motherà ¢â‚¬â„¢s arms, and then took a photograph with the couple holding the baby. The father broke down in tears and my friend touched the baby for the last time. I asked the nurse was that a common procedure and why was it necessary. The nurse explained that taking the picture was a common procedure as some parents want to remember their first child whether they are alive or not. In my heart I did not agree with the procedure because of the agony I witnessed in that room but I was in no position to protest. Reflections The textbook help me to truly understand the grief process and I would like to work further on the process for myself because of the loss I have had in my life. I have suffered a great loss within the last nine years. I agree with the author about the experience with grief and losing a child and a parent has given me the ability to finish working through my issues. The scriptures of Lazarus allows me to look at death as an end of growth in natural rim but a new beginning in the spiritual. The key points of story are the time and the end of the story that we overcome through death. Being able to give someone the closure of losing a love one is the greatest gift that a person can give. I had to realize that I had to go on after the greatest loss of my life but God gave me the courage to keep living. I was riding home by myself and I heard the voice of God speak to me with the deepest of conviction: Now, you understand my feelings about my son whom I sacrificed for the world from that moment on I found strength in those words to help those who were suffering from a loss. The content of the book answered a lot of questions for me because I was given a method to actually go through the process and definitely face some the things I didn’t want to face with death. The textbook was a process of healing for me because I suffered loss during my last class and now I know that I am healing from the course. The course and content showed me if I had done the grief work and I honestly say at points I had not work through all of the stages of grief. Application The information from this book will influence how I will continue my own personal and professional growth process by aiding me to provide informative knowledge facts about death and dying to family, friends and clients. For example, there is a wealth of information concerning the â€Å"The Business of Dying in which I can provide help with the task of planning for funerals. I would aide my clients in researching the best options for life insurance so that they will be prepared if death does occur. I had a pastor express to me that one of the most common problems in the African American community is the lack of life insurance needed in order to provide the deceased family member a proper burial. He stated that at the last funeral he held in his church he had to take up an offering in order to assist the family with funeral expenses. I would like to offer grief support groups for parents who have lost their children. The increasing unrest happening in the different cities of our socie ty is being plagued with the deaths of African American children. There seems to be more of a need for grief support groups. While grieving for my son I was recommended to an organization called â€Å"The Bereaved Parents of the USA†. The organization was instrumental in guiding me as well as other bereaved parents through the bereavement process. The actions or changes that I plan to make in my career and personal life as a result of my learning are first to search out training programs that will train me to become an effective crisis response person. This book has demonstrated that death needs to be studied more in depth and that we should not be afraid of the unknown. I would like to volunteer in a church organization that provides trained individuals that are qualified to demonstrate the procedures that need to be used to in a crisis situation. I have an interest in researching what certifications will be needed to qualify to become a crisis response person. This book has furthered my commitment to become a bereavement counselor because I have had the experience and understand the pain which will allow me to help those who have begun this journey and I can walk with them to recovery. If given the chance, I would work with death and dying patients because I believe that they will see the love of God in me and I will offer a listening ear, a very open heart and the gift of laughter to those who need to be comforted in their time of sorrow. Reference Leming, M. R. Dickinson, G. E. (2011).Understanding dying, death, and bereavement (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Personal Narrative- Car Accident :: Personal Narrative Essays

Personal Narrative- Car Accident Disappointment, disbelief and fear filled my mind as I lye on my side, sandwiched between the cold, soft dirt and the hot, slick metal of the car. The weight of the car pressed down on the lower half of my body with monster force. It did not hurt, my body was numb. All I could feel was the car hood's mass stamping my body father and farther into the ground. My lungs felt pinched shut and air would neither enter nor escape them. My mind was buzzing. What had just happened? In the distance, on that cursed road, I saw cars driving by completely unaware of what happened, how I felt. I tried to yell but my voice was unheard. All I could do was wait. Wait for someone to help me or wait to die. The third maddening buzz of my alarm woke me as I groggily slid out of bed to the shower. It was the start of another routine morning, or so I thought. I took a shower, quarreled with my sister over which clothes she should wear for that day and finished getting myself ready. All of this took a little longer than usual, not a surprise, so we were running late. We hopped into the interior of my sleek, white Thunderbird and made our way to school. With music blasting, voices singing and talking, it was another typical ride to school with my sister. Because of our belated departure, I went fast, too fast. We started down the first road to our destination. This road is about three miles long and filled with little hills. As we broke the top of one of the small, blind hills in the middle of the right lane was a dead deer. Without any thought, purely by instinct I pulled the wheel of the car to the left and back over to the right. No big deal but I was going fast. The car swerved back to the left, to the right, to the left. Each time I could feel the car scratching the earth with its side. My body jolted with the sporadic movements of the car. The car swerved to the right for the last time. With my eyes sealed tight, I could feel my body float off the seat of the car. I opened my eyes to see the black road in the distance above me.

Friday, July 19, 2019

concept of consciousness :: essays research papers

An individual is somewhere in space-time, and not somewhere else. Except for God, of course, who was invented to instantiate all contradictions in blessed harmony. He's everywhere and everywhen, though at the same time, as it were, not in time or space[3]. But the upshot of this is that every individual has a point of view, a perspective, and apprehends the world, so far as it can apprehend the world, from somewhere and not nowhere[4] (Nagel 1986). If taken in isolation, the feature of being somewhere in particular affects all kinds of individuals, not just humans. But only those individuals that can view something can presumably have a point of view. Thus Searle again: Subjectivity has the further consequence that all of my conscious forms of intentionality that give me information about the world independent of myself are always from a special point of view. The world itself has no point of view, but my access to the world through my conscious states is always perspectival. (ibid. 95).[5] In itself, however, that could be true of any other living thing. Nor is it a requirement to be alive: an artificial eye has a point of view. More generally, as shown in the excellent discussion of this subject in (Proust 1997), aspectuality can be seen as a consequence of mere differences of informational channels, and doesn't therefore require any level of consciousness. Perspective might itself be of two kinds. This can be seen by asking: Does a still camera have a genuine point of view? One reason to deny this is that for a still camera there is nothing that corresponds to the difference between locality in time, and locality in space. For a living individual, these pose slightly different problems. For there are different ways in which we might care about the effects of our actions in distant space, and in different times. Time is asymmetrical in this sense (among others): we care more, or quite differently, about what happens in the future than about what happened in the past. But although the things we care about may, of course, be unevenly distributed, space has no uniformly privileged direction. So temporal perspectivity appears seems to constitute a more serious species of subjectivity than the spatial kind. Now perspectivity is sometimes equated with subjectivity in general, as suggested in the last quotation from Searle above. Yet subjectivity is also associated with the self, and the temporal form of perspectivity actually causes problems for the view that my self is my subjectivity.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Counselor Confidentiality and Disclosure

The counseling process consists primarily of self-disclosure and self-confrontation on the part of the client, facilitated by interaction with the counselor. In order for counseling to take place, the client must disclose personal material to the counselor, who in turn tries to understand the client’s world in a context of what he or she knows about how people respond to life situations. Counselors are aware of their influential positions with respect to clients, and they avoid exploiting the trust and dependency of clients.Everyone has a primary obligation to maintain the privacy of both current and former clients, whether living or deceased, and to maintain the confidentiality of material that has been transmitted to them in any of their professional roles. Reasonable differences of opinion can and do exist among counselors with respect to the ways in which values, ethical principles, and ethical standards should be rank ordered when they conflict.Ethical decision making in a given situation must apply the informed judgment of the individual counselor and should also consider how the issues would be judged in a peer review process where the ethical standards of the profession would be applied. This paper adopts the main thesis that the clients’ confidentiality ranks number one in this ethical issue. By developing an oath of confidentiality, ethical considerations are not relegated to a secondary status, after business matters nor are they noted as afterthoughts.Without a clear directive, ethical oversight of the actions chosen through the strategic planning process lack this input. Counseling Values Values are enduring. They motivate behavior. Judgments about right and wrong or good and bad are moral judgments based on values. In the course of human interactions, there are many situations in which it is difficult to make a decision because values come into conflict. Values must be clarified if moral decisions are to be reached.These values are e asily seen during the counseling activity. While clients may reveal significant personal materials in their non-verbal behavior, the primary medium for counseling communication is verbal. Clients reveal their thoughts and feelings to a perceptive counselor by what they say, the affect with which they say it and by what they choose to obscure in their verbal material. The more fully self-disclosure takes place, the more fully the counselor can serve to help the client discover new ways of coping.Ethical practice may be defined as providing a helping service, for which one has been appropriately trained, with care and conscientious effort, Unethical practice occurs under three conditions: when the professional helper becomes involved with clients whose problems are beyond the scope of his or training; when the helper exploits his or her position to collect fees or salary for incompetent service; and when the helper fails to understand his or her obligation to respect a client’s rights to privacy and to free choice. It is fundamental for counselors to provide competent counseling service to clients.It is this trust that allows the client to share his or her personal concerns in a way that goes beyond casual conversation and which makes effective helping possible. As with all professions, it is a violation of trust to offer a service wherein one is incompetent to deliver or to exploit the public by offering less than the service one knows the children need. Some of the more practical solutions in maintaining confidentiality of the client’s background by the counselor are the following: I. ) Limiting Personal Information from Client’s FilesRespecting a client’s rights to privacy includes the maintenance of a confidential relationship within which the client is free to reveal important personal information as he or she is ready to do so. The client who hears his or her private thoughts revealed to another by his or her counselor has been betrayed, unless the nature of the words suggests a credible threat to life or limb. A child or the parents who is manipulated by a counselor to reveal information he or she is not yet ready to reveal has also been the victim of an invasion of privacy.The line between facilitative leading by the counselor and prying into personal matters can be a fine one, and the distinction is often in terms of timelines and context. Respecting a client’s right to choose freely is also troublesome to some counselors. If one begins with the assumption that rational persons will ultimately arrive at the same set of conclusions about a given problem or circumstance, it is easy to conclude that the client who does not arrive at an answer that the counselor values is thinking irrationally.At times that may be true, and the disagreement serves as evidence that help has not yet been carried to an appropriate termination. In other instances, the disagreement may signify that the client has values t hat differ from the counselor’s own set of values, and perhaps from those of the society at large. In such instances, the counselor can help the client to understand the logical consequences of the view he holds to be certain. In the case of information that is readily available, there must also be a limit to the information about the client that would be made available to counselors.There is a need to enforce an oath of confidentiality. At the Children’s Aid Society in Canada, there is not always a committee to decide on matters regarding ethics. Therefore, the middle ground approach must be taken. This involves the requirement that a counselor signs an oath of confidentiality. The organization’s philosophy statement may not be specific enough to guide the day-to-day making processes. The use of a combined mission-philosophy statement can lead to this problem. Alternatively, a written oath of confidentiality could be very specific but cover a limited scope of p otential circumstances.Indeed, every profession consists of human beings or individuals with objectives or goals for the attainment of specific purposes. These purposes may either be personal, profit oriented, or imbued with some public interest. In the attainment of every profession’s objectives, certain standards are observed, to ensure that the individuals play fairly and act with honest and sound independent judgment. Standards are also observed to make sure that the people within a profession observe proper ethics in terms of behavior, both in doing their work and in dealing with other people, in the course of the performance of their job.However, despite the rigid standards, set by law or regulations of the organizations where these professions are practiced, certain unethical behaviors are shown by various counselors. In an article entitled Clergy’s Image Recovering since Scandals, published last December 4, 2003, a survey reveals that in 23 different profession s, the nurses were ranked high or very high as to honesty and ethical standards. Doctors, veterinarians and pharmacists were next to the nurses, in said order, as the professionals who exemplified ethical behavior in the practice of profession.Those who were ranked lowest were the car salesmen, HMO managers insurance salesmen and advertising practitioners. The members of the clergy ranked higher than the previous years, but still behind policemen and engineers, though ahead of psychiatrists and bankers. What could be the reason behind the results of the surveys? It is the type of ethical or unethical behavior, which the professionals exemplify in their practice that leads to the results of the surveys (Denenberg, T. et al. ). Problem-solving processAs the conditions for therapy are established, a cooperative problem-solving process is conducted which results in more self-enhancing attitudes and behavior patterns and the development of the basic social competencies needed to build an d maintain cooperative relationships (Johnson and Matross, 1977). Objectivity refers to one’s ability to assess a situation based on its own merit and not based on personal biases or other influences external to the situation. Thinking and acting objectively pose challenges because preconceived notions influence a person’s judgment.In addition, humans are more emotional than they are rational in acting upon any given situation. All the more, a balanced outlook of confidentiality needs to be done by the counselor. What is confidentiality? Confidentiality involves the protection of sensitive information given by one person to another. It is based upon mutual trust between the giver and receiver of information. Protecting information about a person is important because its disclosure can make that person vulnerable.Because of this sensitive responsibility on the part of counselors, they must make sure that sensitive data is not recklessly divulge unless the patient allows the disclosure or if there is a need that this data be revealed for the benefit of the client (Code of Ethics). Accountability means being answerable to consequences of one’s action or inaction. This is not limited to big responsibilities but a daily occurrence that happens in day-to-day situations whenever one is given duties to perform. Counselors must take this view as they undertake counseling sessions, whether menial or complicated.These tasks are important components of a larger process. Counselors must take ownership of what they do and do not pass on to others this relevant but confidential information (Code of Ethics). Empowerment in counseling situations Empowerment, as a counseling concept, is considered an important tool to make an individual or group adapt to social change. It involves the principles of interaction with people and their right to self-determination. Empowerment requires that helper identify an individual’s strengths, share power and contro l with him, and motivate him to learn and to participate in a group.Both the counselor and the client must work together by allowing each other to contribute to the counseling process. Empowerment means acknowledging an individual’s capacity to face his problems and to make decisions on his own. The counselor’s role is to help an individual identify his strengths that he can use to help himself and make him feel that he is in control. Counselors also need to be of their clients (Empowerment). Empowered individuals can stand and decide on their own even after the supervision of the counselor is done.Empowerment is real because an individual draws his strength from within him, his uniqueness, his personal experiences, his values and beliefs. Counseling is not comparable to charity because of the concept of empowerment. Counseling does not only feed an individual but empowers him so that he may be able to feed himself. Purposes of Helping Most adult clients are self-refer red, that is, they arrive at the helper’s office with the hope that they may somehow improve their lives through involving themselves in counseling.More often than not, they have tried to sort out why they do not feel satisfied with their lives, but they have found themselves unable to control those things that create distress for them. Schlossberg (1976) stated succinctly that the purpose of counseling with adults is to return to them the locus of control over their own lives. It is true, of course, that many clients arrive at the counselor’s office convinced that their lives will be improved only if significant others or specific sets of circumstances are changed.It is important to remember that it is the client himself or herself who must change if counseling is to succeed. External circumstances may indeed be difficult, but if they are to change, it is most often the client who is in the best position to engender those changes. The adult who does not like his or he r job can decide how to improve it or how to seek a different job. The adult who is burdened with the care of an aging parent can seek help in bearing that burden. An adult who is angry at his or her children can learn to understand this anger and find more productive ways of accomplishing his or her goals with the children.A part of being in control involves not only being able to hold information in confidentiality but also in knowing what one wants and needs and being able to be satisfied with what one can reasonably attain. Being in control is being motivated by what is meaningful, not being driven toward undefined goals. Interactive Process Counseling with any individual will involve an interactive process based on certain fundamental principles of counseling. The content of counseling with adults will differ in certain respects from the content of counseling with children or adolescents.The adult client has more experience and typically is in a life position where there is gre ater pressure to assume responsibility for decisions, actions and interpersonal behavior. He or she would also be more cautious about the information given out for fear of being judged. The interactive process with adults can be based on a genetic model of helping such as that of Egan (1975). His model for counseling includes three stages wherein the client is expected to begin with self-exploration, move to deeper levels of self-understanding, and finally to develop a plan of action.Emphasis in the helping process will be related to the client issues identified and classified in the diagnostic process. A client who is experiencing a concern that is primarily situational will move fairly rapidly through Stages I and Stages II and will devote the majority of counseling time to considering the workability of various alternative ways of coping with the situation. Counseling is usually short term. The client whose coping skills are adequate for normal living may still experience stagnat ion in his or her development.In that instance, counseling will focus very heavily on Stage II, so that reachable new goals may be identified, and Stages I and III serve their usual functions of getting the problem defined and the development of strategies for implementing the new goals. Trust in a counseling environment Trust is not given but earned. In recognition of this, I strive to be worthy of other people’s trust by behaving in a proper manner and exhibiting good conduct at all times. I try to honor my commitments at all times and refrain from making promises that I cannot actually deliver.Trustworthiness is consistent with the principles of social work. One of the core values of social work is integrity. Integrity lies in the ethical and responsible conduct of a social worker in dealing with clients and in representing his organization to society. Counseling is a professional undertaking that requires discipline and a broad understanding of human relations and social dynamics. Counselors must be passionate about helping others. Counselors find strength in the areas of problem solving and human relations. Precepts of the American Counseling Association (ACA)According to the American Counseling Association, counselors need to respect the right of the client to privacy. It is important that they do not indulge in unwarranted disclosures of confidential data. The Section B1 of this right to privacy states that the only exception is when there is danger posed in the life of the client such as information that confirms that a client has a communicable disease and thus, the information needs to be relayed to a third party, who because of his close relationship with the client, may be at risk of getting that disease. (ACA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, American Counseling Association).